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Korea, 2010 DigiBeta 73min color, 4:3 Comedy Experimental

Director & Screenplay : Kim Sun Production : Goksa Film Producers : Kim Gok, Kim Sun Cast : Podori, Jung AhYoung, Kang Suk


Korean defender of law and order, Podori (Korean Police Mascot), starts a new day. He says good morning to his mother and does a morning workout to strengthen his upper body, which he has to focus on because he has no legs. Now he is preparing his new legs which are almost ready to be combined to his upper body. He has dreamt of the moment that he shows his father these strong and beautiful legs. His new legs are almost finished and he is very excited to meet his father the next day! His father will be very proud of him. However, rats suddenly appear and attack his legs. He tries to stop them, but they keep gnawing on his almost ready lower body. He finally decides to fight against the rats.


  • 2011 Berlin International Film Festival

  • 2011 Jeonju International Film Festival

  • 2011 Hong Kong International Film Festival

  • 2010 Seoul Independent Film Festival


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